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VitalFluid Vital Fluid Plasma Activated Water applications Agriculture Medical Cleaning applications plan2fix plasma systems agrochemicals nitrogen fertilization plant health surface hygiene plasma technology European Union’s Horizon 2020
VitalFluid features in "De kennis van nu" Bestrijdingsmiddel uit bliksem en waterOnderzoekers van de TU in Eindhoven zeggen dat ze een krachtig maar onschadelijk reinigingsmiddel en bestrijdingsmiddel kunnen maken van… bliksem en water.The Dutch version can be found here.(This video was recorded before the EU project was started on April 2018)
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VitalFluid Vital Fluid Plasma Activated Water applications Agriculture Medical Cleaning applications plan2fix plasma systems agrochemicals nitrogen fertilization plant health surface hygiene plasma technology European Union’s Horizon 2020
Why an environmental chemist in Holland is betting that both farming and hospitals might be improved with the use of a fancy form of water Something funny happens to water when you spray it through an electrical field: The water can now fight microbes. (Or something in the water can.) Plasma-activated water (PAW) is a...
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VitalFluid Vital Fluid Plasma Activated Water applications Agriculture Medical Cleaning applications plan2fix plasma systems agrochemicals nitrogen fertilization plant health surface hygiene plasma technology European Union’s Horizon 2020
TEDxArnhem - Plasma Activated Water By growing food with pesticides, poison enters our foodchain. We’re actually eating these chemicals. Peter Leenders thinks Plasma Activated Water is a clean and sustainable alternative for chemical pesticides. Paul Leenders studied analytical chemistry and has master degree in business administration. After working as an environmental engineer, he became and...
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