VitalFluid B.V. is nominated for the Brabant40 Audience Award 🗳️!
Please vote for VitalFluid (until 25th September) to be the winner of the Brabant40 Audience Award. Vote here now:
The Brabant40 is not just an award; it is also an annual list of the fourty most promising startups in North Brabant, showcasing the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit of Brabant 💡.
From more than 80 startups in the Brabant region, 40 were nominated for the Brabant40 Award. An expert jury will choose the three most promising startups to pitch at LevelUP 2023. The winner will be chosen by the jury based on the best pitch.
Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM), BRAVENTURE, AgriFood Capital, Brainport Development, Midpoint Brabant, REWIN West-Brabant, N.V. Bossche Investerings Maatschappij (BIM), The Gate