Agreement KU Leuven

Today VitalFluid B.V. signed a contract with KU Leuven at Agropolis Kinrooi to deliver a Freya Plasma unit to combine this technology with air cleaning technology.

The aim of this project is to clean air from animal farms to decline emissions. It results in a natural and sustainable ammonium nitrate fertilizer and can be used to grow crops for food. A new solution which makes the food chain more circular.

Erik HertelPolo van Ooij, Sabien van Langendonck, and Prof. Johan Martens signed the contract to start the project and deliver a Freya Plasma unit in 2023 to KU Leuven. Vlaams minister van Economie, Innovatie, Werk, Sociale Economie & Landbouw Jo Brouns and Acting Director Ministry Agriculture, Nature and Fisheries Marcel van Raaij had the honor to be witness of this event.Plasma Activated Water, KU Leuven, Air cleaningPlasma Activated Water, Air Cleaning