Today VitalFluid B.V. signed a contract with KU Leuven at Agropolis Kinrooi to deliver a Freya Plasma unit to combine this technology with air cleaning technology.
The aim of this project is to clean air from animal farms to decline emissions. It results in a natural and sustainable ammonium nitrate fertilizer and can be used to grow crops for food. A new solution which makes the food chain more circular.
Erik Hertel, Polo van Ooij, Sabien van Langendonck, and Prof. Johan Martens signed the contract to start the project and deliver a Freya Plasma unit in 2023 to KU Leuven. Vlaams minister van Economie, Innovatie, Werk, Sociale Economie & Landbouw Jo Brouns and Acting Director Ministry Agriculture, Nature and Fisheries Marcel van Raaij had the honor to be witness of this event.